Gifting FAQs
Spur Sports FAQs
Lockdown & COVID-19 FAQs
Birthday FAQs
Our Mission FAQs
Spur App FAQs
How do I get a job at Spur?
For a job as a waitron or restaurant staff
Each Spur Branch is independently owned and thus manages their own recruitment. You are welcome to visit your nearest Spur branch and chat with the manager on duty regarding available vacancies. Best of Luck!
For a job at Head Offices
Looking to become a part of our dynamic team? We’re waiting - apply here!
How can I stay up to date with all the latest Spur news?
Ensure you're opted-in to our customer communications. To do this, login to the Family Card website. Go to My Profile. Then Edit Profile and scroll down then check both boxes for Email and SMS and Click Next, then Update.